by myself
Did you know that we can make their own toys? We can use cheap materials and even existing home materials to make toys, this activity is even very effective to develop and hone children's creativity, the ingredients are:1. PaperFrom the paper we can make all kinds of toys. Origami one of them. We can make a toy boat, calluses, hats and so forth. After the toy is complete we can decorate it using watercolor or color pencil, you can also attach colored paper.
2. ConsequentlyDus former toy box can be used as multifunctional milk. We wrap with fancy paper, can be used as a toy bag to give him the rope or if a lot can be used to create blocks of color are large.
3. ClothNon-woven fabric can be used to make hand puppets. Of course this can not be done the little self. Make simple finger puppets, and Talk with your child certainly will make him happy.
4. CardboardWe can make the puzzle that we want from the carton. Paste the image that you like children then cut out the picture, size cutouts can be customized with the child's condition. Size large or small pieces can be customized with the child's condition. Children are not the type of patient will certainly need a puzzle piece with a rather large size.
5. ButtonFor children who were older, kindergarten or elementary school children you can use other materials that are smaller in size. Buttons msalnya outboard so that we can become a collage or when combined with a beaded necklace or bracelet can produce.
6. FlourMaking their own dough? You can do dough of flour and mix it with a little water and food coloring and then boiling over the fire. However, this dough can only survive in a few hours because the dough can be hard.
Above is just a small part of which can be utilized to make toys. Of course a parent or caregiver assistance required for activities that are harmful to children, such as making his own dough (keep the fire to thicken the dough). For children who are still toddlers (toddler) actually choose the goods at home that can be used as toys for toddlers are certainly easier to simply require an intact form of large items such as bowls or plastic plates. In addition to the above materials may be you can use other materials that you own a home.All can be used depending on your creativity. Moreover, if we follow accompany the child and make it together, it will make your child feel happy.
goodnight... :)
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